Archivo de la categoría: Works in English

The night of my emotions

The night of my emotions arrives, and it’s a dark place. A space where demons battle to death for my soul, a space where no one else fits, I’m alone.

The night of my emotions feels right at home. A place of pain, where mystery reigns, where those who say they care, don’t; where those who said they’d come, won’t.

A place I furnish time and again, and over again I lose all gains.

Don’t pity me, you petty fool, don’t lecture me like I’m in school. Do not pretend you know the feeling, you have no clue regarding healing. The night of my emotions has arrived, I brace for impact, I may cry.
With every single breath I fight, my heart is injured, but I still try…
The night of my emotions runs me dry, but every night ends in the light.

Daylin Horruitiner

Little bird

Pretty little bird, you wanted to fly,
you fled the nest, and went for the sky,
leaving behind what you knew as home,
you never thought you’d feel so alone.

Your home has gone to live its life,
less lively without you it’s true,
should you come back, should you decide,
home’s always ready for you.

Daylin Horruitiner

My creative space

I’m completely free,
randonmly subjective,
but so me.
I roam through the wide empty spaces,
feeling emotions, creating faces.
I think and erase, and start over again,
I make it my game, with my own «the end»,
I climb, then I jump, freefalling through dimensions,
as I look around at my own creations.
I live, and I love and…Can you relate?
I’m blessed from above when I create.

Daylin Horruitiner

The sun and the sea

The sun and the sea, two of the most purifying forces, at the same time fighting for my peace of mind. Depth can win. Or will the light? Come the wind, fury and might. Come the ocean, drown all in sight, don’t leave it up to my mortal soul to decide; because everytime it faces greatness it hides.

Daylin Horruitiner

Are you Aware?

AWARE RS1-01As a mom, this is not a path that I would have chosen. Not only because it is a difficult path as a parent, but I imagine it to be twice as difficult for my little boy.

Although he has a primary condition defined as Cerebellar Hypoplasia, which basically means his cerebellum is malformed, his secondary condition has been placed as Autism Spectrum Disorder.

I don’t want to victimize myself or my child with this post, nor do I want to cause pity. My motivation for speaking out about my personal experience dealing with an autistic child, is awareness for the sake of everyone that will come in contact with an autistic person, or the family member of someone with autism during their lifetime.

It can be a lonely road. You want to do everything you can to remain normal, and provide your child with regular activities that expose him to the everyday life experience. Sometimes however, you slowly isolate yourself, not out of shame or fear, but out of love for your little one. My boy is sensitive to excessive noise; the murmuring of a large crowd, a pastor preaching through a microphone, quartet music, and the list goes on. Although I want him to participate in many things, I realize that he is bothered by them. A simple day at the zoo can prove to be very disturbing, and a birthday party can frustrate him to the point where he will bang his head.

Little by little you shy away from being actively enrolled in things that can potentially bother him. Other times, you come to the conclusion that it may be unfair for other people as well to expose them to a child that is yelling, or drooling, or clapping out of control on the table next to them while they are trying to enjoy a quiet breakfast with their family. Everyone’s got problems, everyone has the right to relax and deserves to enjoy life without having to deal with someone else’s «problem» child. My son is part of me, but I also think about the people around him and how the rejection the world still has for people like him can possibly hurt him.Therapy and growing up has helped him develop tolerance to many things. Still, there is a lot of work to be done.

Jumping to Conclusions

People look at it from an outside perspective and lightly suggest things that really are of no use to you and your situation. They don’t do it out of harm, we all know that, they do it out of innocent ignorance. Now, I am not calling all these people ignorant as a whole. I am just saying that their lack of awareness when it comes to autism leads them to draw erroneous conclusions and cast unfair and hurtful judgement on parents and children alike.

For example, I had a friend that dared say to me that kids who did not speak were because the moms were not working hard enough at practicing with them. My son is non-verbal, many autistic children are; but people don’t know enough about the large spectrum this condition covers. They don’t realize that some autistic children are very high functioning, while others barely function at all. What applies to one, does not apply necessarily to another.

Even as parents we don’t know everything about our kids. No matter how well we know them from observation, interaction, or pure instinct, a child that is unable to communicate leaves a lot of blank spots. At times people will ask me questions about my son, and they look very confused when I don’t have a clear answer. I am the mom, and while I may recognize gestures and faces and patterns, I do a lot of guesswork, and don’t have answers for a lot of things. Yes, it is frustrating at times, but it simply comes with the territory and we learn to play it by ear.

There are so many things that make autism difficult to understand. It is so broad, and confusing at times. The main thing I would like to for people to take from this blog entry, is that you are not expected to understand autism, or an autistic person, or the relative of an autistic individual. Understanding might not be possible in many cases, but awareness is possible. Be aware there are parents dealing with this situation at home, be aware there are autistic adults feeling lonely and confused because they don’t even understand what is happening to them, be aware that there is no cure, just treatment, be aware that others struggle so much more than you to have a chance at something «normal».

When you are aware of the complexity of an issue you develop tolerance, and you realize that you are not the only one who doesn’t understand, and that is okay.

As a mom, I would have never chosen this for my child; that’s why I’m glad it chose me.

Are you aware?

Daylin Horruitiner

Random Thursday Thoughts

I am a dreamer, a believer, a doer.

I will stare at the sky, and see it as reachable,

I will face any sea and declare it sailable.

Because I’m a fighter, a positive outsider.

Please don’t waste my air if you don’t plan to breathe,

PLEASE, don’t clip my wings if you don’t plan to fly.

I don’t need your shadow casted over me,

if you don’t plan to hold me as I cry…


And even if I cry, I still believe,

even as I fall, I’m already rising.

Please don’t waste my time if you don’t plan to help,

I don’t need you to opinionate.

All I need is silence, believe in silence,

and hold my hand, and be my strength, and not my judge.

DON’T stand in my way, if you don’t plan to budge.

Daylin Horruitiner

Don’t you think for a minute

You appeared out if nowhere,
With few words you stole my heart.
Why would you do such a thing?
When you knew you couldn’t stay.

My relentless heart is broken
And the pieces swim in the sea of uncertainty
Where do I start?
Which piece do I pick up first?

While you go about your life
Roaming free, carelessly.
In the meantime here am I,
In the backseat, usually.

Don’t you dare return with all those simple words
Don’t you think I’ll fall again inside your web.
Im not as weak as before anymore
Now I possess strength, more self respect.
Don’t you think I’ll be here endlessly,
Waiting on leftovers of affection,
Don’t be fooled by my innocence, apparently,
Don’t you think one minute, that I’m standing by for your lethal inyection.

Daylin Horruitiner

Understand my fear

Please understand my fear of love

Every time I let it in, it tears my soul,

and it breaks me down to pieces every time I see it go.

Please understand my fear to trust.

don’t be quick to judge my feelings

it’s not easy, yet a must.

Every single time I’ve tried to fly

with hopes of conquering the blue sky,

my wings turn out to be too frail,

I drown each time that I set sail.

Daylin Horruitiner

Killing Time

Killing time, slowly waiting
watching hours storm on by
give it time, they say
time will cure…
I cry.

Dancing to the beat of the tick tock clock
waiting for the coo coo bird to sing,
time will come with answers
I keep being told
tattle tales and fables
story’s getting old.

Giving time it’s time
while it leaves me without
taking what is mine
Time in time, I doubt…

I believe I’m killing time
when its really killing me.

Daylin Horruitiner

With our mouths

We could talk

we could sit down and discuss

about anything we want

we could dialogue all night.

We communicate

about things love and things we hate,

about tomorrow, and yesterday,

and we get lost, the more we say.

With our mouths

we say such things that hit or miss

and still we talk,

and we insist…

when all we want to do is kiss.